The Path to State and Local Sovereignty

The Path to State and Local Sovereignty Episode 3: Spruities, Biden Coercion Of Big Tech, SecureVote.News, Dan Cummings Sigs
Ranch life vignette: Mom and I sprouted wheat, ground it into a mash, spread it onto a cookie sheet, sprinkled salt on it, dried it in the sun, and called it "Spreaties." When we added fruit to the mash, we called them "Spruities."
Constitution Corner: On May 2, the US House approved the "Antisemitism Awareness Act" which criminalizes criticism of anything Israel does, essentially. This bill (HR 6090) is not constitutional because the definition of antisemitism is made by a private (Jewish) organization, not by Congress; and because it violates your right of free expression.
SecureVote.News: Georgia's Election Board confirmed that 2020 Georgia election results should NOT have been certified. Intelligence agencies have resumed talks with Big Tech to moderate content that does not comport with the official (government) narrative. US Senator Mike Lee sponsors the SAVE Act to prevent illegal aliens from voting.
Dan Cummings discussed the signature-gathering process in Utah and in Wyoming, saying that it is detrimental to a political party's right to select its own nominees, but helpful to a group wishing to establish a new political party. Paying people to gather signatures corrupts the process.