Wildlife Rehabilitation: From Rescue to Release

S3E4 Part 2 With Deb Galle: More On Cottontail Rabbits
Host Gail Buhl is back for Part 2 of the in-depth discussion she had with Deb Galle this past fall about Cottontail Rabbits. Here in Part 2, Deb gets into more of the specifics about how she cares for rabbits after assessment and intake. Those include formulas and food, housing, avoiding imprinting, controlling the environment and her approach to managing rabbit's stress, general husbandry, and the lead up to release.
Cottontail Rabbits also make an appearance in Season 1, Episode 14, in which Gail spoke with another expert -- Laura Davich of Rabbit Rebound. Having different experts' perspectives, Gail says, is key because Cottontail Rabbits are such a common species in need of rehabilitation. There can be many ways of doing it "right".
You will see a lot of overlap too between Deb and Laura— those, Gail says, are some of the sweet spots to pay attention to–especially the WHY behind every how & every what.
Next episode, Gail welcomes back another familiar face (and voice!), Tim Jasinski. Back in Season 1, Episode 19, he was on the podcast to talk about Timberdoodles. This season he joins Gail to discuss all things fostering Canada Geese. He talks about why the Canada Goose is his favorite bird, gives an overview of the species’ natural history, and much more! We hope you’ll join us for episodes 5 and 6 for this deep dive into the fostering the Canada Goose.
Special thanks to Partners For Wildlife and The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. Our executive producer and host is Gail Buhl. Our producer is Kirk Klocke.
To learn more about The Raptor Center, visit Homepage | The Raptor Center (umn.edu). For more on Partners for Wildlife, visit Partners for Wildlife Home | The Raptor Center (umn.edu).