Wildlife Rehabilitation: From Rescue to Release

Wildlife Rehabilitation: From Rescue to Release

S1E15 Weaning Young Eastern Cottontail Rabbits with Laura Davich Jette

May 07, 2022

So you are able to get your young eastern cottontail rabbit eating formula--or maybe you are tube feeding the youngsters. They are growing and developing so quickly! It is time to start weaning the young rabbits. Here in lies the danger however--switching to solid food too quickly can be devastating to the developing gut of the rabbit.

Laura Davich Jette and I sit down and have a detailed conversation about weaning young cottontail rabbits. I learned SO much about setting the rabbit and you up for success during the weaning process.

We have several resources for you at our webpage. There are videos and a wonderful set of handouts for raising cottontail rabbits. You can find those here.

We also discuss another resource called Wildfoods 4 Wildlife.  Look for my conversation with the Founder of Wildfoods 4 Wildlife in a future episode. For now, I hope you enjoy this episode of Wildlife Rehabilitation From Rescue to Release.

Special thanks to Partners For Wildlife and The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. Our executive producer and host is Gail Buhl. Our producer is Kirk Klocke.

To learn more about The Raptor Center, visit Homepage | The Raptor Center (umn.edu). For more on Partners for Wildlife, visit Partners for Wildlife Home | The Raptor Center (umn.edu).