The Accessibility Advantage

The Accessibility Advantage

Tyler King CEO of Less Annoying CRM on The Accessibility Advantage Podcast

November 01, 2024

Hello again, I hope things are going well for you and your family. I mean this sincerely considering how many challenges we are all facing these days.

I'm excited to finally be sharing my first interview on the new podcast that I announced over a year ago.

Finally, after a broken laptop, a successful crowd funding campaign, and two major storms in the Houston area; here I am.

And my first guest is a great business owner and gentleman Tyler King.

He is the CEO of Less Annoying CRM

What Is CRM?

For those of you who do not know, CRM stands for customer or client relationship management.

Their software, and other programs like it; help businesses keep track of the emails, phone calls, text messages, etc sent to clients during the course of doing business with someone. And they help remind you to follow up with those people.

Theirs isn't the only CRM that is thought to be highly accessible for people with disabilities, but they are the one I found first and the one I like.

What Will You Learn?

In my interview with Tyler you will learn how they became interested in being more inclusive through the efforts of their employees, how they overcame their challenges by deciding to find solutions, and how they have benefitted from embracing inclusion of all people especially those with disabilities.

We talked mostly about digital accessibility, but we also touched on inclusion in the work force and how they overcame the natural fear and overwhelm that is part of making a work place more inclusive of disabled people.

I hope you check out the first episode of the podcast and decide to stick around by subscribing.

Comments, ratings, and reviews are also very welcome.

If you want to discuss making your products, services, or content more accessible, please send me an email.

Thanks, Maxwell