Law Podcast: Wolf Theiss Soundshot - Legal talks from Austria, the CEE and SEE region

Law Podcast: Wolf Theiss Soundshot - Legal talks from Austria, the CEE and SEE region

Latest Episodes

Digital Law: Digital Services Act
March 14, 2024

Our new episode of the Wolf Theiss Soundshot Podcast is the second part of the podcast series on “Digital Law”.This time our experts, Katerina Mikulova, with expertise in e-commerce, IP and data privacy rights law, alongside Adolf Zemann, focused on IP &a

Careers in International Arbitration
March 07, 2024

In this episode of our Soundshot podcast, our arbitration partner Stefan Riegler delves into the topic of "careers in international arbitration" with our distinguished guest speakers Claudia Salomon, President of the ICC International Court of A

ESG at Wolf Theiss - our impact, our risks and chances
February 29, 2024

In this episode of our Soundshot podcast, Birgit Kraml and Jela Mohr discuss the topic of "ESG at Wolf Theiss".The two experts explain the responsibilities of Wolf Theiss as a law firm. They explore the importance of sustainability for companies

Digital Law: analysis and practical insights on EU's Digital Strategy
February 22, 2024

The current episode of the Wolf Theiss Soundshot podcast introduces a new series on digital law. Throughout this series, our tech and data law experts will provide practical insights for navigating the complex landscape of the EU's legislative initia

Competition Law and Sustainability
January 25, 2024

In this episode of our Soundshot podcast, Martin Gassler delves into the topic of “Competition Law and Sustainability” with our guest speakers Sonja Rentz, a lawyer representing the Austrian Federal Cartel Prosecutor and Moritz Schwarz, an economist and d

Nachhaltigkeitspflichten von Unternehmen - Photovoltaik Anlagen
November 16, 2023

Unsere neue Folge des Wolf Theiss Soundshot Podcasts ist der vierte Teil der Podcastreihe zum Thema "Nachhaltigkeitspflichten von Unternehmen". Diesmal stehen Fragen zur verpflichtenden Errichtung von Photovoltaik-Panelen bei Neubauten und regul

Nachhaltigkeit und ESG – aktuelle und zukünftige Haftungsfragen des grünen Wandels / Nachhaltigkeitspflichten von Unternehmen
October 26, 2023

Unsere neue Folge des Wolf Theiss Soundshot Podcasts ist der dritte Teil der Podcastreihe zum Thema "Nachhaltigkeitspflichten von Unternehmen". Anders als die ersten beiden Episoden – deren Schwerpunkt auf der Richtlinie über die Sorgfaltspflich

Welcoming the AI (r)evolution in resolution of disputes
October 12, 2023

In our newest edition of Wolf Theiss Soundshot, Disputes experts Borna Dejanovic and Aleksandar Ristic approach the topic of use of AI in Dispute Resolution. Against the backdrop of increasing numbers of legal practitioners relying on generative AI tools

Studying law - what next?
September 13, 2023

You're currently completing your legal studies or have already graduated. So, what's next? Studying law requires unwavering commitment similar to a full-time job, with all of the exams and essays to complete. But it's important to already s

Nachhaltigkeitspflichten von Unternehmen – Deep Dive Richtlinienentwurf
May 25, 2023

Diese Folge des Wolf Theiss Soundshot Podcasts stellt die zweite Folge einer neuen Podcastreihe zum Thema "Nachhaltigkeitspflichten von Unternehmen" dar. In der ersten Folge (veröffentlicht am 11. Mai 2023) haben unsere Corporate/M&A Experti