Law Podcast: Wolf Theiss Soundshot - Legal talks from Austria, the CEE and SEE region

Law Podcast: Wolf Theiss Soundshot - Legal talks from Austria, the CEE and SEE region

Digital Law: Digital Services Act

March 14, 2024

Our new episode of the Wolf Theiss Soundshot Podcast is the second part of the podcast series on “Digital Law”.

This time our experts, Katerina Mikulova, with expertise in e-commerce, IP and data privacy rights law, alongside Adolf Zemann, focused on IP & TMT law, address the Digital Services Act (DSA). They delve into the new legislation that is transforming the digital landscape and its effects on businesses. 

The significance of the DSA as a major overhaul of regulation in the digital domain will be explained, highlighting its impact on online enterprises of all sizes. Additionally, our experts will explore compliance responsibilities and related liability risks.  

Listen to the new Soundshot episode on our website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Amazon Music under “Wolf Theiss Soundshot”.

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