TRAITS podcast: Building Higher Performing Organizations

TRAITS podcast: Building Higher Performing Organizations

Episode 9: The Right Fit – Using TRAITS to Match Personalities with Roles with Mike Moreau

August 26, 2024

In this episode, Mike Moreau, President of Concord Consulting, breaks down how the TRAITS tool helps organizations get a better handle on personality traits to match personalities with roles. Mike dives into the idea of personality scaling, where traits are measured on a spectrum, giving more nuanced insights into how someone might perform in different jobs. Whether it’s project management, sales, or customer service, Mike discusses how these scales can predict behavior and how the right mix of traits can either boost or hold back job performance. The episode underscores the importance of understanding these dynamics to make smarter hiring decisions and build stronger teams.

Show Notes:

0:00 – Summary of our last interview together (with a focus on how the TRAITS tool is very specific because of it’s ability to provide a scale for each trait)

2:50 – What happens when you hire some who is really social?

6:40 – What happens when you have a director who is more assertive than sociable?

13:40 – Where is a good fit for assertive people in an organization?

15:15 – When is a very assertive person not an ideal fit for a specific role?

16:58 – Let’s switch… What happens with people more social than assertive?

22:48 – A tale of two salespeople

26:30 – Some ways to help organizations with finding an exact fit for positions

Learn more about how to match personalities with roles