Mobile Home Investing Podcast

Mobile Home Investing Podcast

050 Eleven Mobile Homes Bought and Sold in 11 Months with Rod

June 21, 2024

In today’s podcast we are talking with active Mobile Home Formula investor Rod from the Washington D.C. and Virgina area. Rod’s mobile home investing success did not come by accident. Rod has followed a strategic plan and has been persistent after his goals to learn the mobile home investing industry and build immense personal wealth.

Rod is now working in a handful of mobile home communities that mostly love and respect what he is doing. He is able to 1.) help the mobile home community infill empty mobile home lots with used mobile homes 2.) Rod is also repairing park owned homes the park does not wish to rehab themselves, and 3.) he is also buying used discounted mobile homes directly from the residents of the community.

All of this has allowed Rod to invest in mobile homes full-time to expand his area, build his mobile home reputation, increases knowledge, and stack money away in his bank account.

Like almost everyone, when Rod got started investing in mobile homes he had countless questions. Rod and John talked almost daily while building his mobile home investing business. Rod has overcome struggle after struggle in order to achieve his current level of success.

A special thank you to Rod for hopping on today’s video to help other mobile home investors he will likely never meet.

Mobile Homes Flipping VS. Mobile Home Cash Flow

Already in Rod’s short mobile home investing career he has been able to sell mobile homes for BIG cash paydays, as well as sell mobile homes for higher-than-retail-prices by selling with monthly payments.

  • ⭐ From 2015 to present-day there has never been a better time to sell mobile homes to buyers for all cash.
  • ⭐ Make certain to know your realistic exit strategy and conservative retail selling price before you ever purchase any investment mobile homes.
  • ⭐ Around the country many all cash buyers will not need to go to a bank for financing unless the mobile home sales price is over $50,000. This is the point where many buyers will need to obtain bank financing to purchase your used mobile home.
  • ⭐ When selling for monthly payments make sure to recoup all your invested capital within 12 months or less from the down payment and monthly payments you receive from your payment buyer.
  • ⭐ Most mobile home parks will allow an investor to resell a mobile home for all cash or monthly payments to an end-buyer.
  • ⭐ Most mobile home investors typically resell more mobile homes for all cash in the beginning of their career to increase their bank account and to continue to have more capital to invest with.
  • ⭐ Mobile homes may be sold for cash or monthly payments in all 50 states.


Persistence Pays Off

In the beginning of Rod’s podcast, he talks about things going slow for him for his first 90 days while trying to learn and invest in mobile homes. During this time Rod did zero bad deals, zero skinny deals, and zero deals at all. However during this down time, he was learning a tremendous amount of knowledge by going through parks, networking with managers, understanding prices locally, asking questions, and really learning the ins-and-outs his target investing area.

Rod never gave up on his goal of becoming a successful mobile home investor. Rod kept putting in the work needed for mobile home sellers to find him and for him to find local motivated mobile home sellers in need of help.

Rod has now closed over 20 deals as of publishing this podcast video and article. Lesson: hard work invested wisely almost always pays off.


Continuing to Grow Your Business and Reputation

Things are going very good for Rod and his mobile home investing business; however he has not remained complacent after investing in almost two dozen mobile homes. Rod continues to grow his advertising and marketing machine so more and more mobile home sellers may find him when they need to sell fast.

Rod now understands his investing numbers better than ever. He is finally the local “authority” he was always aiming to become. He knows mobile home numbers and prices better than 99 per cent of the people around him. That is because he has saturated himself in his local mobile home market for over the past year.

Rod’s results are not unique, however Rod’s determination and motivation is unique. So many of us have the shiny object syndrome where we are constantly chasing new things to do or changing our business around because it does not work as fast as we would like.


Mobile home investing will not make you a success after one week of trying hard. Building a mobile home investing business absolutely does take hard work and discipline from you. You absolutely will struggle at times. You absolutely will have questions multiple times a day. You absolutely will doubt yourself and question if this is worth it.

Whatever investing you decide to do to increase your wealth and bring your family financial freedom, do not give up. Push through the hard times and keep going. Do not give up when the going gets tough. Continue to fight and build your business for your future self.

Love what you do daily,

John Fedro
