Mobile Home Investing Podcast

Mobile Home Investing Podcast

041 The Naked Lady Mobile Home with John and Katie

March 28, 2024

We’re joined today by active mobile home investors Dan and Katie. These part-time mobile home investors are flipping mobile homes, raising a baby, new puppy, organizing charity drives, and working full-time jobs. These investors tell all about their journey from startup to successful profitable mobile home investing business in today’s Mobile Home Investing Lesson Podcast #41.

It’s not all about the money with these two investors. Mobile home investing allows us the opportunity to meet and work with folks in various situations. Sometimes the people we meet are in vulnerable situations. What may seem like a small gesture, amount of time, or little money to you, may make a big difference to sellers you’ll work with locally.

Today’s 60-minute podcast is full of heart. Listen and take some notes. Special thanks to Katie and Dan for today’s podcast. Listen to Dan and Katie’s journey below.

In today’s mobile home podcast episode below, we cover:

  • 0:00 Kimura!
  • 1:48 Starting out.
  • 4:19 Surprise at the door.
  • 5:18 Love and hate
  • 8:10 Time management
  • 9:50 Give yourself grace.
  • 12:45 Giving back to the community.
  • 22:20 Handymen and contractors.
  • 28:38 Deal breakers for handymen.
  • 32:21 Dealing with partners.
  • 37:33 Give up?
  • 39:59 Cash VS. Payments?
  • 45:40 Problem?
  • 55:15 Dream BIG

Stories to entertain your friends.

As an active mobile home investor, you’ll be the hit of any dinner party with difficult-to-believe and jaw-dropping stories. Adventures with mobile homes, sellers, buyers, handymen and various situations you’ll find yourself overcoming to succeed.

You may likely have nicknames for some of your mobile home investments. “Prison home”, “Naked lady home” and “Jungle home” are a few homes in the recent past that quickly come to mind. These nicknames may have something to do with where the home is located, the sellers, or a particular characteristic of the mobile home.

In today’s podcast Katie and Dan discuss about their “naked lady home” that they will forever remember. Listen to today’s podcast to hear this story.

Making a real difference, one person at a time.

You can’t help everyone. However, you can help some. To help guarantee your long-term business treat people right and aim to keep a great word-of-mouth reputation. Mobile home investing is much easier if you actually like people, if you actually want to solve problems for others.

In today’s podcast: Organizing some folks in the community to give back and help others. Dan and Katie talk about a time they went over-and-beyond for a kind-hearted grandmother. This business allows us to give back to those in need.

The more problems you solve for others, the more value you may create.

Give yourself grace!

  • You will make mistakes.
  • Your success/goal is not a sprint.
  • You will be successful if you stay persistence and make consistent good decisions.
  • You will inevitably make some investing mistakes, some errors larger or dumber than others. Aim to make your wins far bigger than your losses.
  • Allow yourself the same grace and forgiveness you’d give to a loved one.
  • Love yourself too.

Mistakes are normal but remember planning and smart decisions can significantly reduce much of the risk involved with getting started investing in mobile homes.

Be prudent and invest wisely.
