Mobile Home Investing Podcast

Mobile Home Investing Podcast

005 Mobile Home Horror Story with John and Stuart

March 26, 2024

Halloween was nearly over a month ago however in today’s Mobile Home Investing Podcast we have a scary, fun, and content packed lesson for you today. Today’s episode revolves around a big lesson in the mobile home investing world, and it’ s not what you’re thinking it is. I’m excited to welcome Stuart, an active mobile home investor, to share his insights and stories on this very important topic.

Stuart originally came to learn mobile home investing with the help of the Mobile home Formula without prior real estate experience and has since gone on to close a number of properties and build a cash-flowing business for himself out of nothing with manufactured homes. Stuart has the drive, determination, and a willingness to take action to achieve his goals in real estate.

In the podcast episode below Stuart takes us on a journey into a past horror story during his short but active mobile home investing career. While the story starts one way, it ends with a completely different message. Learn from Stuart’s and how you can avoid these same lessons in your own investing business.

Over the next 22 minutes Stuart and I discuss mobile home horror stories and the BIG lesson to learn from our past mistakes. 

In this show we cover:

  • Stuart discusses a past horror story.
  • The cheapest and most effective way to kill pests?
  • Where most horror stories come from and how to avoid them?
  • Mitigating risks while mobile home investing.
  • Learning from past mistakes.
  • Avoiding the costliest errors.
  • When to deal with an eviction?
  • and more!