Your Telecom Retirement

Your Telecom Retirement

Latest Episodes

Economic Opinion: Why The Immigration Policy Needs To Change
June 27, 2024

How does immigration impact our economy? In todays episode, Dennis OKeefe dives into the economic implications of immigration, sharing fascinating anecdotes and offering practical solutions to this

The Association of BellTel Retirees with Thomas Steed (Ep. 97)
June 13, 2024

The telecom industry has undergone significant changes, impacting both current employees and retirees. Understanding these shifts is crucial for safeguarding the future. How does one navigate the shif

Are You Watching Your 401(k) Enough?
May 23, 2024

How can you effectively oversee your retirement savings with minimal effort? What strategies can you employ to ensure your investments align with your retirement goals? In this episode, Dennis OKeef

How To Pick Your Financial Advisor
May 09, 2024

Choosing a financial advisor is a significant decision that can shape your financial future. In this episode, Dennis OKeefe shares his insights on the criteria and designations to consider, how tech

Are You FED Up?
April 25, 2024

The Federal Reserve often finds itself at the center of various conspiracy theories and misunderstandings. What is the truth behind this financial institution that holds significant influence over the

Rescuing Your Abandoned 401(k)s
April 11, 2024

Unlike Little Orphan Annie who found her happily ever after, an abandoned 401(k) might not find a proper home for years, sometimes even decades. When plans are walked away from and forgotten, they los

Estate Planning Unveiled: Snowstorms, Fresh Bread, and Future-Proofing Your Life
March 01, 2024

Imagine youre cozy at home, snow gently falling outside a perfect setting for a deep dive into something unexpectedly intriguing: Estate Planning. Yes, you read that right. But before you scroll pa

Beyond the Paycheck- Mastering the Art of Stress-Free Retirement
February 23, 2024

Imagine stepping off a cliff with nothing but your wits and a parachute woven from your lifes savings and decisions. Sound thrilling? Terrifying? Welcome to retirement a leap into the unknown that

Beyond Budgets: Uncovering the Hidden Leaks in Your Financial Ship
February 16, 2024

On this episode of Your Telecom Retirement, well dive into the often overlooked nooks and crannies of personal finance that could be silently draining your wallet. Forget the usual spiel on budgeti

The Untold Truth About College Education: Strategies for a Debt-Free Degree
February 09, 2024

Imagine stumbling upon a secret blueprint that could navigate you through the confusing maze of college education, ensuring you emerge not only debt-free but also primed for a fulfilling career. This
