They Stand Corrected

They Stand Corrected

Episode 36: The Media Fail Awards

December 11, 2024

Welcome to the Media Fail Awards! We’re honoring — actually, dishonoring — news agencies’ biggest blunders, lies and hypocritical disasters of the past year. Vote at Nominees include a fact check-free presidential debate; a so-called “fact check” that was actually a bonkers lie; the “newspaper of record” admitting it does not correct some falsehoods; a network condemning its own anchor for attempting to do journalism; another network’s lie-fest for a queen, and much more. Today, Josh starts talking you through the nominees and provides his best argument for why each should win its category. 

These ironic “awards” will send a crucial message to major news agencies that it’s time to shape up their act. We need your support! Sponsor the awards by becoming a founding member of the newsletter! With your help, we’ll send physical copies of these awards to top news executives, grabbing their attention. (Also, rates for paid subscribers are temporarily reduced, so act quickly, or make any contribution here.)

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  • using this link ( to check out another podcast, Stars of David! In this episode, an expert discusses raising kids in today’s world — with special guidance for Jewish parents amid rising antisemitism. 
  • signing this petition today to help ensure Israel’s ability to defend itself
  • considering a tax-free donation to the awesome group United Hatzalah, comprised of Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze people providing medical assistance. 

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