HMA Vital Viewpoints on Healthcare

Latest Episodes
Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Healthcare: Changing mindsets or changing reimbursement?
Jennifer Bridgeforth, associate principal at Health Management Associates, dives into the complexities of fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare, examining the blurred lines between inefficient process
How Can Technology Empower Human Connection in Healthcare?
Tom Cochran, partner at 720 Strategies, is a renowned expert in digital communication and healthcare public relations. Tom reflects on the broader impact of digital tools, acknowledging both their pot
Has Medicare’s Drug Policy Struck the Right Balance Between Access and Cost?
Kevin Kirby, managing director at Health Management Associates, gives a closer look at the evolution of Medicares drug coverage and the policies that have transformed patient access and affordability
Why Are Family Services Critical to Improving Children’s Health?
Uma Ahluwalia, managing principal at HMA, discusses the importance of keeping families at the center of children's health and welfare services and highlights how government should provide services in
Is Enhancing Quality of Care the Future of Medicaid Innovation?
Caprice Knapp, a seasoned health economist with over 20 years of experience in Medicaid and healthcare policy, shares her journey through various roles in government, academia, and private insurance.
How Is Harm Reduction Redefining Recovery in Modern Treatment Approaches?
Erin Russell is a principal at Health Management Associates and joins our podcast to discuss the importance emphasizing harm reduction as a compassionate approach to drug policy. She shares her journe
How Can We Better Transition Healthcare Services for People Leaving Incarceration?
Linda Follenweider, an advanced practice registered nurse and board-certified family nurse practitioner with extensive experience in correctional healthcare, discusses the critical gaps in continuity
Let’s Stop Doing Stupid Things: How Can We Scale Digital Healthcare Innovation to Ease the Burden on Patients and Providers?
Ryan Howells is a leading expert in digital health policy and interoperability from Leavitt Partners, an HMA company. Ryan has been a catalyst for change since the early days of the internet to his cu
How Can States Use Opioid Settlement Funds to Truly Transform Substance Use Disorder Treatment?
Debbi Witham is a principal in the Health Management Associates behavioral health practice group. She shares her in depth understanding of the complexities of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment sy
Can data shape the future of Medicare’s value proposition?
Tim Murray is a principal and senior consulting actuary of Wakely Consulting Group, an HMA Company. With over two decades of experience as a health actuary, Tim illuminates the challenges and opportun