A Walk Through the Mind
Latest Episodes
Aiming for Success
I believe we have a good idea of how our introductions to conversations set the stage for how conversations may progress. But how does our statement of departure set the next stage? Executive Produc
Putting in the Hours
Two people in my life have been asking for insight into how to pursue jobs that will pay the bills. Executive Producer: LadyGetOverIt http://www.billybon3s.com/ https://www.tabletopwoodworks.com/ http
Using Paper Towels
How many paper towels do you use in your household on a regular basis? Are we using recycled or virgin wood in the creation process of our paper towels? How eco friendly is one option over the other
What are our hobbies; the activities we do in our off time? Executive Producer: Sir Sean of the Allegheney Valley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/englis
Relationships: From Vertical to Lateral
In your relationships you maintain, are you an equal, or is there a hierarchy, or pecking order in your social order? Should these relationships be vertical or lateral? Executive Producer: Sir Sean o
Left Brained / Right Brained
Have you ever been referred to as "Right Brained" or "Left Brained," not in a political sense, but in a logical or creative sense? The different halves of the brain each have primary functions in add
Yawns, Cellphones, and Postures
Driving down the road the other day, I saw some people on their cellphone and I felt the urge to grab mine. Where does this urge come from? How similar is it to yawns and postures?
More Than Just a Button Mushroom
Mushrooms ain't just for eating anymore. They are an intregal part of the greater forest life cycle. But they can also be used in so many other ways that not many of us even considered thinking abou
Cultivated Meats
The FDA has approved the sale of lab grown chicken meats to the general public in the United States of America. Is this a blessing or a curse? Is it greener and healthier? Are there more benefits t
Dopamine Withdrawls
Executive Producer: Sir Sean of the Allegheny Valley Have we ever been to a point where we've been down, and start in on a self-destructive behavior? Have we been able to make a mental note as to why