The Fresh Batch

Latest Episodes
#09 - Mick Corcoran / Sparky's Da
Please join us at We sit down with the Daddy, Mick Corcoran / Sparky's Da. Mick is a Husband, Father, Brother, Union man and Captain Mainwaring lookalike. This is a stunning
#10 - Manchán Magan / Writer & Documentary Maker
Please join us at Enjoy our conversation with Manchán Magan about the Mythical, Mystical, Mental and Spiritual lands of Ireland, Australia, Africa and those beyond this world
#11 – Buy The Ticket
Please join us at Sparky tells us about his trip of a life time to Russia and Mongolia. He introduces us his alter ego 'Dermot' and tells us a great story about his mate Deni
#12 – The Fresh Traveller Podcast / Martin Stokes
Please join us at In preparation for their live show in Ballymun in November Sparky, Dean and Martin Stokes get together for a rare but beautiful conversation.
#13 – Shake Your Chakra
Please join us at Dean and Sparky go down the full moon, meteor strike, conspiracy theory, illuminati, cult, dark web, Agenda 21 rabbit hole which can end up being unlucky fo
#14 – Irene Dunne
Please join us at In this episode Dean and Sparky chat with the very colourful Irene Dunne. Snippets of Irene's voice messages can be heard in some previous episodes and now
#15 – The Sea Of Hope
Join us at At the end of Recovery Month Dean and Sparky chat about hope, how to counteract class stereotypes portrayed in the media and online, the silent truth about cocaine
#16 – Steo Wall / Singer
Please join us at Steo Wall is an Artist, a Singer Songwriter. In this chat Steo tells us about where he's from, The 'Glory Days' and how hearing 'The Ancestors Call' on a wi
#17 – The Agreement
Please join us at Sparky and Dean explore where the agreements in society come from. Are they important and what happens to our reality if we don't keep them or believe in th
#18 – Stephen Magee / Great Days
We invite you up to Magical Hill for food, chat and one of those great days with Stephen Magee.