Talk About Coaching

Talk About Coaching

Wow! We just had to share this coaching session with you

February 21, 2022

One of the things we love about coaching and mentoring is that there is always something more to learn and new ways to take that learning into our work. We recently hosted Andrew Shaffer, MCC on the Real Coaching Sessions Unplugged series. We believe that his session demonstrated a truly masterful level of coaching.

It is our pleasure to share this recording with you as a resource for your learning and development.

Some of the skills we noticed when listening to this session are:

Establishes and Maintains Agreements: Often coaches struggle with setting a clear agreement without having it sound formulaic or mechanical. Notice how the agreement is woven through the session in a way that invites clarity without feeling like a checklist.

Cultivates Trust and Safety: At times a coach may feel uncomfortable with inviting a client to explore their feelings. But as we know, feelings are often integral to a coaching conversation. This coach demonstrated his ability to engage with his client around emotions with ease and respect.

Maintains Presence: One of most powerful tools we have as coaches is the ability to allow space for silence, pause and reflection. In this session, this tool was used to allow his client time to think and to explore his learning.

Listens Actively: ‘Listening deeply to a client’ shows up in a number of ways including; reflection, questioning and utilization of client language including metaphor. The coach effectively builds on his client’s metaphor at various points in this session.

Evokes Awareness: Through the questioning, the client was invited to focus on his experience in the moment. An example of this was the question; “What are you recognizing?”

It is a privilege to listen to high level coaching and we hope you will enjoy this wonderful recording.


Sheri and Jamee

Click here to learn more about Andrew Shaffer, MCC

Listen to Andrew Shaffer's Coaching

Learn more about Real Coaching Sessions Unplugged. 

Andrew Shaffer, MCC

Executive & Leadership Coach / Mentor Coach / Coach Supervisor

Co-founder of HummingByrd Inc., based in Tokyo, Japan, I enjoy working with leaders of all levels – and from extremely diverse cultural and professional backgrounds – to lead, perform, learn and effectively guide themselves and their teams to reach their bottom line goals, exceeding both individual & organizational expectations.

My coaching philosophy is based on the desire to help leaders find inspiration in themselves and put it to the best possible use – in creating positive impact that will resonate within the hearts and minds of colleagues (and stakeholders) around the world.

** Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coaching Federation (ICF)
** Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching Certified
** Linkage Coaching Leaders Certified
** Certified Mentor Coach (CMC) & Coaching Supervision Certified
** Hogan, Saville WAVE & Team Management Systems (TMS) Certified
TEL: +81-80-3027-2064

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