Talk About Coaching

Latest Episodes
EPS. 40—Listens Actively
Listening actively means going beyond a clients words and noticing emotions, energy and body language. And then it is important that we are reflecting these in a way that is neutral and non-judgmenta
EPS. 39—Embodies a Coaching Mindset
How do our beliefs, culture and context inform our coaching? How do we prioritize our ongoing growth as a coach to benefit ourselves and our clients.Competency 2.4 & 2.8
EPS. 38—Cultivates Trust and Safety
What role do we have in building our clients autonomy through adapting our coaching style to support the clients perceptions, talents and insights?Commpetencies 4.2 & 4.3
EPS. 37—Demonstrates Ethical Practice
The ICF has a robust Code of Ethics and to support the Code of Ethics, the ICF offers two excellent resources. The first is the Ethics Assist Line for coaches +1 859 226-4245. The second resource is t
EPS. 36—Demonstrates Ethical Practice
We know its important to maintain clear agreements around confidentiality and the distinctions of coaching, but how do we establish those agreements so that they are clear to the client and any potent
EPS. 35—Establishes and Maintains Agreements
What happens at the end of a coaching engagement with a client and why is it important? How can we co-create a completion that does truly honor the experience?Competency 3.11
EPS. 34—Maintains Presence
What does it mean to be observant and responsive to our clients and how do we this?Competency 5.1
EPS. 33—Establishes and Maintains Agreements
What is the importance of creating verbal and written agreements with clients and stakeholders? How can we utilize these competencies to set ourselves and our clients up for success in the coaching re
EPS. 32—Evokes Awareness
What are the factors that might influence a clients thinking or behavior? How can we, as coaches, help our clients gain awareness of those factors in order to develop ideas and make choices about how
EPS. 31—Embodies a Coaching Mindset
When we say that self care is important for coaches, what do we mean and how does it impact our coaching? Competency 2.6 & 2.7