Business Of Trucking With John Turner CPA

Business Of Trucking With John Turner CPA

Weighing Tax Implications Of Certain Business Entity Structures

April 30, 2024

Certified Public Accountant John Turner puts the spotlight on the tax advantages that exist within sole proprietorships and he also runs through some of the options available for lowering your tax liability if you operate your business as an S-Corporation. As John shares with Dave Nemo in this Business of Trucking segment, this discussion is focused on tax planning considerations for owner-operators utilizing the sole proprietorship business entity or for those trucking entrepreneurs who have made the S-Corp election for their business. John brings up a number of key considerations related to Sole Props and S-Corps that can help drive savings to the bottom line of your business.

John Turner is ready to help your business become more profitable. Do you need help with tax and business planning strategies that can drive savings to your bottom line? Do you need help with tax problem resolution issues? John and his team can help you and your business. Connect with John today by visiting

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