Success In Trucking Podcast Powered By ES

Success In Trucking Podcast Powered By ES

Outsourcing with ES Advantage – A Pathway to Success

April 03, 2023

A recent conversation with Colton Lawrence, The Trucker CFO, highlighted the many challenges that owner-operators and fleet owners face, and the importance of surrounding yourself with experts in different areas of business, including those with a financial background. The challenge is that those experts often come with a high price tag, something smaller fleets simply cannot afford or justify.

So how do you reap the benefit without the overhead? Outsource.

Outsourcing might have been a bad word in business a decade ago, but it was clear in talking with Colton, that it can revolutionize the way that you run your business, and your overall success.

The Benefits of Outsourcing in Trucking

When you are in the daily grind it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. Each decision could be the one that makes or breaks your business, yet there isn’t a clear path. By outsourcing key components, you gain better insights and improve your fleet’s bottom line, including the following areas.

Better Decision Making – Every decision matters, and decision making is a never-ending process when you run a business. Having experts that can provide valuable insights is a way of stacking the deck in your favor. Instead of relying solely on your experience, you can leverage collective intelligence to set you and your fleet up for success.

Financial Security – Freight rates, fuel prices, and more are constantly changing. By outsourcing key roles, like a CFO, you can be more financially prepared to endure any hardships or unforeseen challenges in the market.

Remove the burden – Wearing multiple hats is part of the equation when you run a small fleet. The downside is that it can frequently require you to put essential items or decisions on the back burner. Outsourcing key business functions will relieve the burden and allow you to reallocate resources to other areas of your business.

Simplify essential processes – This time of the year taxes are front and center. It is a great example of an essential process that gets pushed off until the last-minute year after year. Many owner-operators and fleet owners will wait until April 18th to file, simply because it gets in the way of day-to-day operations. Partnering with a financial expert can streamline daily, monthly, and annual processes. 

Learn More

At ES Advantage, we work tirelessly to connect independent contractors, owner-operators, and fleet owners with industry experts that can help them streamline their business processes and maximize profits. We want you to think above and beyond the bottom line. Catch the entire conversation with Colton and learn more about Trucker CFO using the links provided below.

Listen Now: Our ES Advantage Podcast

Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, joins the podcast to talk about taxes and building a year-round plan for your trucking business operation.