Success In Trucking Podcast Powered By ES

Success In Trucking Podcast Powered By ES

Are You Ready For The Expedite Expo? It’s Just Around The Corner

July 05, 2022

Are you ready for the 2022 Expedite Expo? The Expo is just around the corner, taking place on July 15-16 in Fort Wayne, Ind. ES has been working diligently on the company’s plans for expedited trucking’s premiere event for some time now, including the effort to welcome another large gathering for the annual IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo that will take place on July 15 - click here to reserve your seat.

The Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne will serve as the host site for the 2022 Expedite Expo, and Expediter Services will once again this year be serving as the presenting sponsor for this annual event. The Expedite Expo brings together companies and people from across the entire expedited trucking sector, while the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo offers event attendees key insights into what’s happening in expedite as well as what’s on the horizon for the trucking industry. The IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo also offers those who attend the event an opportunity to meet the team from ES in a relaxed setting as well as an introduction to the programs and services available through the ES Community.

To provide an update for what ES has planned for the 2022 Expedite Expo, Spotlight News spent some time with Jeff Tacker, the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Commercial Officer and the Executive Vice President for ES. Just prior to the July 4th holiday weekend, Jeff joined us for a special edition of the Success In Trucking Podcast Powered By ES. Through our interview with Jeff, you’ll hear how the entire ES Team values the opportunities provided through the Expedite Expo to connect with people who are involved with or who are interested in the expedited sector of trucking. Jeff also talks to us about the roots of the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo.

Once again this year, ES will be providing a delicious buffet-style meal at the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo, with each attendee receiving a gift bag from ES at the door. At the dinner, those in attendance will have the opportunity to meet some of the ES Community members who have utilized the services and support from ES to build their own successful trucking businesses.

The speakers who are scheduled to be part of this year’s IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo will include the following:

Jason Williams, the President and Co-Founder of ES.

Jeff Tacker, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Vice President of ES.

Joe Kalafat, Member of the On Time Media Ownership Group

Other Special Guests to be announced at the event.

For 2022, ES has put together an impressive collection of door prizes that will be drawn and handed out during the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo.

The 2021 edition of the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo had a large fun crowd who enjoyed the networking opportunity (not to mention good food). The ES Leadership Team is anticipating another great turnout for the 2022 edition of the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo. The ES Team is encouraging anyone interested in attending the Expedite Expo to also register the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo.

Podcast Interview: Jeff Tacker Shares ES Plans For The Expo

In this episode of the Success In Trucking Podcast, we will hear from Jeff Tacker, who serves as the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Commercial Officer and the Executive Vice President for ES. We talked to Jeff about the long relationship that ES has with the Expedite Expo, serving as the event’s presenting sponsor for many years. We also talked with Jeff on how the ES Team starts relationships and strengthens existing relationships as part of their experience at the Expo. You also get a look at the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo, a special event hosted by ES that will take place on July 15.

If you missed our 2022 IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo, you don't have to wait until next year, connect with us now by calling (877) 349-9303 or click here for more info.