Hope is NOT a Plan

Hope is NOT a Plan

How to Make Our Nation's Biggest Events Safer | Episode 22

July 14, 2024

I've been involved in a couple of National Special Security Events (NSSEs). To say planning for these events is challenging is an understatement. In this episode, How to Make Our Nation's Biggest Events Safer, I share insight on how Federal, State, and Local agencies can and should work together to keep each other, the public, and their public figures safer.

The Ground Rules:

  • Safety above all
  • No egos
  • No silos
  • One planning process
  • One planning team
  • One incident action plan (IAP)
  • Hope is NOT a Plan

This episode is dedicated to Firefighter Corey Comperatore, who died shielding his family, and to David Dutch and James Copenhaver, who are recovering from their injuries.
