Hope is NOT a Plan

Hope is NOT a Plan

From Tech Bandaid to Lasting Change: How to Empower People to Drive Change, Not Technology | Episode 16

May 20, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations constantly seek ways to optimize processes and improve efficiency. Technology often takes center stage as the perceived solution, but is it the answer?

The Problem:

You have a snazzy new system but noon is using it

The Hope:

The bells and whistles will attract users and enact change

The Plan:

Provide a framework for you to help foster and maintain change with a focus on your people

The Solution:

Dive into the ADKAR Change Management model as the framework to empower your people before a technological band-aid is applied to a broken process.

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Stay safe, strive to keep a people-centric change management focus, and Godspeed,

