Hope is NOT a Plan

Hope is NOT a Plan

How to Teach Kids Life Skills They’ll Actually Use | Episode 15

May 13, 2024

My inspiration for today’s episode, How to Teach Kids Life Skills They’ll Actually Use, comes from a recent Mother’s Day project I completed, installing a floor receptacle in my living room. This was my second-floor receptacle install. As I measured, cut, wired, and tested, I was reminded of my Father who recently passed away. I appreciated the time he spent with me as a kid, and more so as a man to teach me these kinds of things. So, in today’s episode I’m paying it forward to the current or soon to be parents out there who want to empower, not coddle their kids and provide them with know how superpowers of their own.

The Problem:

You're a new parent and are unsure how to raise your kids

The Hope:

A book or podcast (wink, wink) will help you out

The Plan:

Share my seventeen years of parenting experience to help make your transition into parenthood smoother

The Solution:

Talk through how kids build confidence through chores, develop problem-solving through empowerment, and improve their communication through verbal and non-verbal practice with their parents will reduce your stress and build more self-reliant and confident kids.

Stay safe out there parents, let’s keep empowering our kids, and I wish you all Godspeed.

