The SoCon Report Podcast

The SoCon Report Podcast

Latest Episodes

Believe in the American Dream Once Again: Tim Goeglein of Focus on the Family | SoConReport Ep.12
February 03, 2023

How did America become so fragmented? Tim Goeglein, author of the new book, Toward a More Perfect Union: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story, believes it’s due to poor teaching of the American story at home and in the classro

Christians Denied Service from Restaurant: Victoria Cobb of The Family Foundation | SoConReport Ep.11
January 27, 2023

Perhaps you’ve heard a story like this before: a person seeks a meal at a restaurant but is denied service. You might associate that story with the 1950s. But it just happened (our state ally in Virginia), and not for the reasons you’re thinking. Our frie

President of March for Life on What’s Next for the Pro-Life Movement: Jeanne Mancini | SoConReport Ep.10
January 20, 2023

Every year in January, tens of thousands of people come together to celebrate life. The March for Life has occurred for almost 5 decades, but this year’s march is a little different than the rest. The overturn of Roe v. Wade has changed the conversation o

Looking Back on Family Policy in 2022: Ryan McCann, Julaine Appling, and Rep. Mike Johnson | SoConReport Ep.9
January 13, 2023

And that's a wrap for 2022! To celebrate the new year, we’ll look back on what happened in family policy in this past year. Craig DeRoche, President and CEO of Family Policy Alliance, is joined by three special guests to unpack 2022. Plus, hear his take o

Christians Are Called to Be a Father to the Fatherless: Dr. Ford of Focus on the Family | SoConReport Ep.8
December 27, 2022

How should Christians respond to children in need? Dr. Sharen Ford of Focus on the Family says the Body of Christ needs to stand up, and that we are called to be a father to the fatherless. November is Adoption and Foster Care Month! This month, we reflec

This State Spent Millions on Transgender Procedures: Dan Bartkowiak of Pennsylvania Family Institute | SoConReport Ep.7
December 09, 2022

Three phrases that don’t belong together: government-funded, transgender interventions, for minors. You read that right: the government is paying to help John look like Jane. And, in the state of Pennsylvania, it amounts to more than $16.7 million in taxp

How Should a Christian Act as a Political Leader? Rep. Josh Brecheen | SoConReport Ep.6
December 02, 2022

As Christians, we are called to let our light shine, and that can look different for each of us. For Representative Josh Brecheen, he chose to listen to the still small voice telling him to be a political leader. Join us as Congressman Brecheen shares how

2022 Election Breakdown: What the Midterms Mean for Families | SoConReport Ep.5
November 16, 2022

Family Policy Alliance's own Craig DeRoche and Autumn Leva are joined by Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Action and John Stemberger of Florida Family Policy Council for a roundtable discussion about the #2022Election. They’ll put results in perspectiv

Life Is on the Ballot in the 2022 Election | SoConReport Ep.4
November 14, 2022

Macy's tears were tears of joy that Roe was overturned. But to the Democrats who shared this image, that didn't make sense: to them, they were tears of sadness. Join us to hear Macy tell her story, and get the inside scoop: why is the Democratic party so

From Politician, to Prisoner, to Pastor: Kwame Kilpatrick | SoConReport Ep.3
November 11, 2022

Kwame Kilpatrick went from the youngest mayor of Detroit, to a prisoner in a cell, to a pastor starting his own ministry. How did it happen? Hear his inspiring testimony as he sits down with Craig DeRoche, CEO of Family Policy Alliance. The two also discu