The SoCon Report Podcast

The SoCon Report Podcast

Here’s How 20 States Are Protecting Kids with #HelpNotHarm | SoConReport Ep.34

August 18, 2023

This week, the North Carolina legislature overrode their governor’s veto of House Bill 808, marking the 20th state law that protects minors from dangerous and irreversible “transition” procedures. These #HelpNotHarm laws hold healthcare professionals accountable by providing child victims an opportunity to sue for damages.

This is an incredible victory, and one that YOU made possible. As we told media in a press statement, “The men and women who have courageously supported this legislation are heroes. We know that 50 years from now, our nation will look back and see transitioning children as one of the great medical scandals of our age.” How did we get to this remarkable milestone? And what comes next?

Hear the testimonies of three people who were instrumental in the fight to protect children. David Walls, Gene Mills, and John Rustin are all partners in the Family Policy Council movement – and fervent advocates to protect children from the transgender agenda. In every one of their states, their governor vetoed the Help Not Harm bill – but the legislatures voted to OVERRIDE those vetoes! 

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