The SoCon Report Podcast

The SoCon Report Podcast

“Chestfeeding?” What the CDC Doesn’t Want You to Know | SoConReport Ep.32

July 27, 2023


President Biden’s Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recently issued guidelines on lactation and infant feeding that encourage biological males to “chestfeed” children and recommend that healthcare professionals endorse this behavior. The guidelines promote an experimental process that induces lactation in men with a drug cocktail consisting of heavy doses of hormones, anti-psychotics, and sedatives.

There is an incredible lack of scientific research on this treatment, but what we do know doesn’t look good. These drugs risk blood clots in the transgender-identifying individuals and can cause irregular heartbeats in the babies ingesting the milk. And, there is no scientific consensus about the nutritional value of the milk produced.

Promoting harmful experiments on children seems par for the course in the Biden Administration. For years they’ve advocated for hormone cocktails and invasive surgeries like double-mastectomies on young girls in the name of “gender transition,” both of which leave children sterile. Now, they are promoting even more experimental drugs to induce false lactation in men, failing to care about the effects on the health of either the men or the babies.

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