The SoCon Report Podcast

The SoCon Report Podcast

Pride Propaganda Takes Over Stores and More, but You Can Protect Your Family: Grace Evans | SoConReport Ep.26

June 08, 2023

You might have already seen the explosion of pride propaganda at your local Target, but did you know Sesame Street is also promoting the LGBT ideology? It’s hard to escape these days, and the likelihood you’ll have to talk about this with your children is high.

So, how do you tell your kids that the LGBT ideology does not align with God’s word? And how do you help them navigate the “Pride Month” events and promotions all around them? We are here to help! Join our live video today to hear from speaker and activist, Grace Evans of Minnesota Family Council, as she shares tips to have this conversation with your kids. You’ll also hear the thoughts of Autumn Leva, a mother of two, on how she is navigating today’s culture that pushes the LGBT agenda.

Family Policy Alliance made a FREE comprehensive guide to protecting your children in the classroom. To learn how to protect your rights and your children’s rights, go to to get your FREE copy today, so you can have peace of mind while your child is in the classroom.

Family Policy Alliance hosts an alliance of 40 Family Policy Councils across the nation. Connect with your Family Policy Council at

At Family Policy Alliance, our vision is a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished. To stay up to date on the fight to protect families and learn how to take action, follow us on social media!

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