The SoCon Report Podcast

The SoCon Report Podcast

Navigating an Un-Biblical World With a Biblical Worldview | SoConReport Ep.18

March 17, 2023

As you watch TV or scroll through social media, it becomes pretty clear that we live in a culture that does not follow Christ. How can we navigate and lead our families through this culture? And how can we help kids see the world around them through a Biblical lens.  

Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, joins Craig DeRoche to talk about navigating an un-Biblical world with a Biblical worldview, a perspective that he shares with wit and wisdom. If you’ve ever found it challenging to navigate our culture or wonder how to help the kids in your life see the world through a biblical lens, you won’t want to miss this conversation!

Summit Ministries specializes in teaching young people about biblical worldview. Use code FPA23 for $100 off Summit Ministries’ 2-week Student Conference this summer! Registrants who sign up before March 31 will also receive $200 off. Anyone 16-22 years of age is welcome to learn why the Biblical worldview is true. Attendees leave not only seeing everything around them through a Biblical lens, but they are equipped with the factual knowledge to back up the truth. Learn more here:

At Family Policy Alliance, our vision is a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished. To stay up to date on the fight to protect families and learn how to take action, follow us on social media!

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