Free Day Broadcast

Free Day Broadcast

Latest Episodes

Broadcast 25: The legend of my good landlord
March 10, 2022

In this episode I recall my previous nice guy landlord, and how it didn't really matter that he was nice. If you like the broadcast please subscribe and or share etc. Send inquiries to freedaybroadcas

Weather report (February 2022) - Warmongers and hypocrites
February 28, 2022

Welcome to the first official weather report of Free Day Broadcast! Segments: I. Antiwork takes a hit II. Nonprofit plaza III. In the national interest / *personal news* / IV. Investor dip shit // Mu

Broadcast 24: Evidence for America as a totalitarian state
February 17, 2022

Segments: I. “Howcome we don’t get to vote on…” II. Reviewing the evidence III. Property and the distribution of wealth // Music used: ~From spongebob lofi mix ~Sakura Trees -Saib ~So good -Silver Ri

Broadcast 23: The tale of the evicted landlord
February 15, 2022

Segments: I. Landlords against landlords II. Lock 'em out Lenny III. Here comes the re-brand / You never own it -- Music used: "So good" - Silver Richards Getaway - Gas lab Op 95 No 9 - Dvorak - unkn

Broadcast 22: We need to establish a model (part 1: Industry)
February 05, 2022

Discussing cooperative.. everything, but especially industry (in this episode). W/ special guest, Tony. -- Music included: "So good" - Silver Richards "No this is patrick" remixed - vmex

Broadcast 21: Market Socialism (pt 2: Flawed but way better)
January 11, 2022

I don't want a perfect system, I want a new and better one. Doesn't humanity? Segments: I. End this man's career II. Market disparity III. The problems of business // Music used: Kupla - Magic Send i

Broadcast 20: Market Socialism (part 1: The moderate position)
January 08, 2022

What is market socialism? And if it were miraculously on the ballot (it probably won't be), would you choose it over "progressive" capitalism? Sections: I. A viable alternative II. Abandon welfare cap