Hour Of Decision

Episode 67 Hour of Decision: FDR: His Socialist New Deal
This is the first of two episodes covering the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). Lew discusses the radical nature and origin of the New Deal, FDR’s domestic program. The Great Depression presented the opportunity to permanently change the politics, culture, and economy of America, with his program of “Tax and Tax, Spend and Spend, Elect and Elect.” FDR made Fabian Socialists the Establishment in Washington, D.C.
He transformed the Democrat party and created the coalition that still is the electoral basis of the party today. He began to institute total control over the economy with his National Recovery Administration. The origin of the bipartisan consensus both parties operated under until Donald Trump were the programs of FDR.
Next week Lew will discuss how FDR was the savior of the world Communist movement and the power behind the creation of the world governmental institutions we are living with today.