Hour Of Decision
Episode 47 Hour of Decision: What About the New Reagan Movie?
It’s great to be able to talk about a movie actually shown at movie theaters across America that is at least somewhat conservative and anti-communist. Such a film is Reagan starring Dennis Quaid and John Voight. The film was written by Paul Kengor, a legitimate anti-communist author who wrote Dupes.
It is impossible for a movie to capture the complexities involved with a life and career like Reagan’s. I do not agree with the overarching assessment that the Cold War was “won,” by Reagan or anyone else, a controversial sentiment I briefly explain in this episode. I give some background concerning John Birch Society leader Congressman Larry McDonald, who was a passenger on a commercial airliner KAL-007, shot down by the Soviets during Reagan’s tenure.
The gulf between the critics and the audience on Rotten Tomatoes (audience 90+%, Critics, 20% or so) says it all about our elites. I am completely for promoting anticommunist, pro-conservative films and despite any other deficiencies I could identify, this movie qualifies. So go see it, its still in many theaters, or rent it.
"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan (youtube.com)
A Time for Choosing Speech, October 27, 1964 | Ronald Reagan (reaganlibrary.gov)
From friend of the show, J.R. Nyquist, a voice of authority on the strategic deception of the U.S. by the USSR: