Hour Of Decision

Hour Of Decision

Episode 46 Hour of Decision: Kamala Is A Dangerous Idiot and Trump Must Live (and Win)

September 18, 2024

So as I predicted, Kamala went for the one line zinger method of debate prep, which avoids all those facts and boring policy prescriptions. The preparations were led by David Plouffe, former Obama campaign manager and seriously, a very sharp guy.

Nonetheless, Kamala showed herself to be totally unlikeable, desperate to hide her record, and unable to articulate anything beyond the words she memorized, which were likely replayed through her earrings, and prompted by the ABC “journalists.” She further proved that point with an absurd post-debate interview with a local Philadelphia journalist where the word salad and obfuscation was flowing.

But fortunately for those “forces of democracy,” many helpers surround her. The Fed is about to lower interest rates. A possible drop in oil prices may be coming due to actions taken by China. And Russia’s Putin applauds her delightful laugh! And, wanting a fool across the table from him, he also heartily endorses Kamala.

The party of democracy is forcing candidates on and off the ballot. Like Bobby Kennedy (on, it was off just a few weeks ago), Cornell West and Jill Stein (off). The ACLU is poised to harass conservative election administrators while Milktoast Merrit Garland is “fired up and ready to go,” seemingly willing to arrest anyone for just about anything if it might help. Those pesky prosecutors, federal, state, and local, are still working the “Get Trump!” program, despite setbacks.

I am sure hardcore election fraudsters are “ready to go” in Phoenix, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, Pittsburg, and in numerous other urban fiefdoms of the party of “democracy.” And Biden is cranky, but renewed the “national emergency” which allows the state to have extra-constitutional powers to go after non-Democrats who might disrupt the purity of our elections.

And then of course there are those helpers with semi-automatic rifles with scopes. Which brings us to Trump, as just about everything in the political world has for the last nine years. Yes, Trump keeps getting shot at, which is really good for his numbers as long as these shooters keep missing vital organs.

Bottom line, there will be more attempts to kill Trump. Our Establishment is determined to keep him out of the White House, duh. His every move exposes them, and he is just far too unpredictable. For us: Trump must live, and win. He buys us time, and we need time, to gather more Americans out of the Beast system who will be prone to act when they finally “notice” the elite wants to take all of their freedoms and destroy the civilization that gave them those freedoms.

Yes, Trump is an imperfect vessel, with too many corporate creeps around him. He fumbled on abortion. He softened on immigration. He was disloyal to the Project 2025 people, some of his biggest backers.

But Trump buys us time if he can protect the First Amendment, forestall the bankruptcy of the nation, stop the alien invaders and begin deportations, and prevent WWIII. This is a monumentally tall order, but past performance gives us hope he can do these things, while good Americans organize in larger and larger numbers to save this country.