Hour Of Decision

Episode 31 Hour of Decision: JFK: Who was this man? Pt. 3 The end, and the beginning
In the final episode of JFK: Who was this man? Lew looks at JFK’s Vietnam problem, his relationship with the Federal Reserve, and his conflict with Israel, in light of assassination theories. He then looks at events that indicated his dishonesty about his serious health condition and his continual trysts with women were about to catch up with him.
LBJ had knowledge of one JFK consort who may have been a spy for communist East Germany. The press was starting to ask questions about her and so was J. Edgar Hoover, as well as a senate investigative committee. These issues were pressing in on JFK, as was the politics around problems in Vietnam, the electoral ramifications in the South of his civil rights bill, and rising unemployment.
Meanwhile, RFK, seeking to remove Johnson from the ticket, was in a high stakes game with GOP leaders attempting to expose LBJ’s corruption. A key witness brought damning evidence against LBJ to light on the day JFK was murdered. With LBJ now the president, the evidence went into the round file.
Lew looks at accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, his relationship with the Soviet Union, and his ability to have been “a lone gunman.” He reviews likely suspects for a conspiracy to murder JFK, including the USSR, Cuban intelligence, organized crime, the Teamsters, Cubans affected by the Bay of Pigs fiasco, “the Bankers,” LBJ, the CIA, the “Military Industrial Complex,” and the Mossad. He also brings to light Jack Ruby’s connections with both Israeli and Cuban intelligence.
Lew poses his own theory of “who killed JFK” as he discusses what might have happened if JFK would have lived vs. who we know was advantaged by his death.
Finally, Lew examines the ramifications of JFK being built up as a martyr for crass Democrat party purposes, why Americans are fixated on the Kennedys, and why researchers have such drastic disagreements about who JFK was, what he actually believed, and what he would have done if he would have lived and continued as president.
Opinions on who JFK actually was
Solid Neoconservative: JFK: Conservative, by Ira Stoll
Rich phony and lightweight: JFK: The Man and the Myth, by Victor Lasky
Establishment centrist: An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy by Robert Dallek
Leftist about to go rogue: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Mattered by James W. Douglass
Arch enemy of Israel: Final Judgement: the missing link in the JFK assassination conspiracy , 2 vols, by Michael Collins Piper
Interesting books related to the assassination you may not have seen
The mob felt betrayed:
Double Cross by Sam Giancana
The case for a lone gunman:
Conspiracy of One: The Definitive Book on the JFK Assassination by Jim Moore
(I once heard Moore demolish several assassination conspiracy writers on a national talk show)
Oswald as a USSR trained assassin who went rogue;
Programmed to Kill, by Ion Pacepa (highest ranking intelligence officer to defect from the Soviet bloc)
FBI agent assigned to Oswald before the assassination, alleges cover-up of Soviet and Cuban connections:
Assignment Oswald by James P. Hosty, Jr
Extensive network supporting Israel adjacent to the assassination:
Final Judgement, 2 vols. by Micheal Collins Piper, see above