Hour Of Decision
Hour of Decision Episode 19: “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Fabian Socialists in America, Pt. 1”
In this expanded episode of Hour of Decision Lew traces the gradualist movement toward socialism/communism at home and a one-world government abroad. The Fabian Society is British but their gradualist tactics in service of the Marxist cause, and many of their theoreticians over the years, have come to America. Lew discusses the seminal role of President Woodrow Wilson and his alter-ego, Col. Edward House in implementing the Fabian strategy. House’s book influenced the entire Wilson administration, with its call for “socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.” After succeeding in creating a central bank and an income tax (both planks in the Communist Manifesto), Wilson failed to get the U.S. into the League of Nations.
The strange and continuing relationship between big business and the socialist/globalist project is called out. including the role of the two powerhouse entities and associated networks that aided revolutionary activities from their inception, the House of Morgan and the Rockefeller combine. Big business backed the Fabian program at home, and was key to the industrial development of the USSR, and later China, abroad.
FDR’s New Deal and prosecution of WWII was the next big wave of Fabian activism. Government grew exponentially and a whole system of international governance institutions were formed around the United Nations. The huge growth of communist dominance around the globe after WWII, and the GOP’s inability to rollback socialist domestic legislation is discussed. President Dwight D. Eisenhower protected previous Fabian gains in the 1950s. Then JFK moved to enact a new round of government programs and invigorate globalist efforts in the early 60s. It was his assassination that was the catalyst for the explosion of government under Lyndon Johnson.
Finally, Lew talks about growing resistance and distrust of government in America that resulted from the Kennedy assassination and events related to the Vietnam war in the “Sixties.” David Rockefeller reacted by establishing the Trilateral Commission, which forged intermediate, less ambitious objectives on the road toward one-world government. New measures resulted, including NAFTA. The rise of cultural Marxism and the attendant erosion of our society is discussed. Lew also identifies forces within the GOP that create R.I.N.O.s by steering conservatives away from actually confronting the Fabian socialist agenda.
This episode is a big picture outline of the activities of America’s Fabian enemies. More detail will be provided in future episodes on a number of subjects mentioned, including the FED, the JFK administration, a deep-dive into the thinking behind the Fabian version of achieving total government, Sen. Joe McCarthy, the deindustrialization of America and the rise of communist China. Future episodes will also cover the role of populist movements in general, and Donald Trump’s in particular, in thwarting both gradualist and overt efforts to destroy America.
The Fabian Society’s logo, a wolf in the process of taking off his sheep’s clothing, says it all.
Phillip Dru, Administrator, by Col. House
The Naked Capitalist, Cleon Skousen
Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley. Morgan and Rockefeller, Thomas Lamont, British influence
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Anthony Sutton
America’s Secret Establishment, Anthony Sutton. Specific information on U.S. firms investing in the USSR.
None Dare Call It Treason, John Stormer. Well-documented coverage of the entire period.
The UN Record. Chesly Manly
Trilaterals Over Washinton, Anthony Sutton and Patrick Wood
Fabian Freeway, Rose Martin. An overview.