Marriage Mavericks w/ Josh and Cassie Fuller

Marriage Mavericks w/ Josh and Cassie Fuller

My Wife Hates My Family

February 07, 2024

Hello, Marriage Mavericks! In today’s episode, we’re addressing some of the questions sent in by our listeners. If you have questions you’d like us to tackle, send an email to

[00:20] What’s the quickest way to get a divorce?

[04:11] How do you save a marriage after your spouse says it’s over?

[11:09] My husband is a swinger and wants me to join in his lifestyle. Any advice?

[16:43] My wife hates my family. What should I do?

[21:44] We’re fighting, and our kids are worried. What should we tell them?

[24:22] My wife delayed moving out. What does it mean, and how should I use the extra time?

[26:49] My husband isn’t physically intimate anymore. Should I be worried?