Club Eisenhower

Food For Peace
On July 10, 1954 President Eisenhower signed a bill creating the program known today as Food For Peace. This program, built on the foundations of the Marshall Plan, provided significant aid to rebuilding efforts in Europe after World War II. Eisenhower expanded American food and economic aid beyond Europe. American crop surpluses were made available to countries in need through the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954. American farmers benefited from the sale of their surplus crops while these countries were able to purchase needed goods established under this act. Through this program, as President Eisenhower explained, America was able “…to sell surplus food to friendly countries for foreign currencies, which we then used for ... defense, economic development, and international educational exchange.”
Join us as we discuss the impact of the Food For Peace program, its evolution, and how food insecurity looks in an increasingly global economy and food system.