T-Lokes: Tucson Local Business

Episode 15: Louie Sanders - Sound Monk Studios
Howdy Folks, today we have a super special guest on the show, Louie Sanders from SoundMonk Studio. If you’re a fan of T-lokes, you probably recognize him as the creator of our unforgettable theme music. Today, Louie is here to share how his business SoundMonk Studios seeks to heighten your sonic endeavors. From professional grade mixing and mastering, making your musical tracks sparkle, or if you need to commission a composer for your business's new advertisements - SoundMonk Studios is here to help!
We feature tracks that Louie has created interspersed throughout the interview, so sit back and enjoy the sounds of SoundMonk Studios!
SoundMonk Studios Links
T-Lokes Social Media
Voice Over, Mixing and Mastering Credits:
L. Connor Voice - Website
Music Credits:
Louie Sanders, https://www.instagram.com/soundmonksound/