Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

May 10, 2024
Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

For Hawaii Culture and history of Molokai, one of their most pristine islands, is a perfect way to see old Hawaii. Residents of the island have found a way to maintain their culture, celebrate and share their history and educate us on their legacy.

Two of my favorite things to explore when traveling are culture and history. Both tell us about the people and place. We can learn many details about a destination. During my visit to Molokai, also known as the ‘friendly’ island learning about the local culture was the highlight. 

The island is filled with beautiful nature and spectacular vistas but surprisingly Molokai is the least visited of the main Hawaiian Islands. As far as you can see, the beautiful foliage and amazing trees, spread across the mountains giving Molokai some of the most beautiful sceneries in either direction you look. Molokai is truly unique and like going back in time in Hawaiʻi. There are no fancy resorts and restaurants and golf courses. It is all about Hawaii Culture and History on Molokai. There is a lot to explore; as the locals will say, “t is for the most part, frozen in time.”

I loved my visit because of the unique and enlightening cultural experience with Gregory Solatorio. His family has lived in the Halawa Valley of Molokai for many, many generations.  

Greg is a cultural practitioner who lives off the land in Molokaʻi. The Solatorios are the last original family left in the valley. Greg’s father was the last elder, born and raised here. Their lineage connects them back to the first Hawaiian settlers on Molokaʻi. His family was one of the first to live in Halawa Valley. Hawaii culture and history on Molokai is best told by those who know it, live it and preserve it.

The island is filled with beautiful nature and spectacular vistas but surprisingly Molokai is the least visited of the main Hawaiian Islands.

Greg is the son of Anakala Pilipo. Through the years he shared the Hawaiian culture with many visitors, ensuring the culture is understood as it truly is. On my visit Greg’s oldest son Devak guided us to the family farm, shared the essence and details of Hawaii culture and history on Molokai and taught us how to see the beauty in the island, not only as a tourist but through their eye;  the guardians of Halawa Valley. They have been working with uncruise for 15 years.  

Take a listen to the show. It starts our introduction to Molokai culture given by Greg.  It follows with his son David providing details and stories of Hawaii culture and history on Molokai and the Halawa Valley.  Be prepared to be enlightened. 

Listen to part 1 to hear all about my UnCruise experience told by crew from my trip.


Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai

Hawaii Culture and History On Molokai