Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Family Holiday 2021 Tips

November 08, 2021
Family Holiday 2021 Travel

Welcome to Barrier Islands

Family Holiday 2021 is coming soon. For many of us, 2020 holidays were spent in separate homes …. Away from love ones. This year we want to be together celebrating, connecting and feeling the holiday spirit in person.  We’re ready.  But, we still want to be healthy and safe.  We continue to focus on care for our love ones by finding places to gather with low populations and the ability to social distance.  We can make 2021 a great holiday season. Fill with the laughs, smilies, hugs and togetherness we are longing for.

How soon do you start planning for the holidays?  With Fall in full swing, we are now moving into holiday season.  And, it’s a good time to start planning for a great holiday season. 

On the show today, I have three destinations where lasting family memories can be made and fun, togetherness and joy will be your holiday spirit.  

It’s time to start planning! 

And, to get you ready I start with a couple of holiday travel tips to keep in mind to make sure your travel is hassle free and exactly what you and your family are looking for.

Let me know what you’re planning.

North Captiva, Florida


Bald Head Island, North Carolina


Sapelo Island, Georgia 


Also check out article for pet travel tips.

The post Destination: Family Holiday 2021 Tips appeared first on Travel With Annita.