Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Travel With Your Pet Tips

August 28, 2021
Travel With Your Pet

our best tips ever!


Travel with your pet…. over 70% of Americans are doing just that. Which is up from 38% back in 2013. During the pandemic more and more people are taking to the road for their family vacations, and their fur kids  are coming along too.  Prior to 2020 many pets stayed home because it was believe the family vacation would be impossible to find pet friendly accommodations or the costs of flying your pet to each destination.  Things have changed quickly, nowadays people pile everyone into the car and also RV’s are on the road with the whole family enjoying the journey.  And, whole family does mean the fur babies.

Have you wanted to travel with you pet but you’re not sure what steps you need to take.  Or maybe you have traveled with your dog and things didn’t go exactly as you thought they would.

I’ve been asked is there a list of things to take, to do or even a list of places to stay?  Well, yes and we have it all on this show.  Everything you need to make this a great trip for everyone.  And, that means a great trip for your fur baby too.

During the show you’ll hear us refer to traveling with your dog, because that is what most people are traveling with.  And, most pet friendly accommodations refer to dogs.

For this show we go back to 2013, one of our first shows with Dr. Sundstrom a local veterinarian, and Tracy Schowalker a dog trainer and behavioral consultant.  Their tips are based on expert knowledge and experience.  Also, on the show are Doc Bill with the Sapelo Island Birdhouses and Ida Creal with Global Sun and Fun Travel.  We couldn’t have expert advice on traveling with your pet without our resident furry teammate, Jack Thomas, the master of the traveling car.  During the show he gave a few barks, expressing his approval to our comments.  Jack passed away on Sat. Aug. 21, 2021.  We go back in the archives to share this show; it was the first time he came into the studio and he was definitely the master of the traveling car.  He has logged more travel miles than most people.  He will be missed.

To listen to the show, click the blue listen live button at the top of the page.  Thanks for listening

Photos of Jack – my road buddy and master of the traveling car

Websites and articles below the pictures.


Air conditioning directly to the face while waiting for mom to get in the car.


Long walks never get old.


Favor cuddle spot in mom’s office.


Jack got a spot on an Oprah Pet Calendar


Jack was one of the Sapelo Island Ferry crew mate


Jack goes Seine Fishing, but he’s not sure what to think of the wiggly fish.


Snow days are perfect days


Never enough toys. All mine!!


Always ready to catch and retrieve baseballs


Fun day riding on the back of a pickup with his brother and sisters. Jack is on the left.


The day I met Jack and Jill. Jack in my right hand and Jill in my left. They were inseparable.


Jack on my left and Jill on my right.


My favorite picture of me and my chocolate boy.

Websites and articles –

Flying Fido
Tips for travel with your pet

Tracey’s list for your fur baby
More Tips From Tracey
Tick protect for you and your dog
What to do if my dog goes missing while on vacation 
Keep Dogs Healthy and Safe On The Road

Traveling with your cat

Twenty tips for summer pet fun

The post Destination: Travel With Your Pet Tips appeared first on Travel With Annita.