Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Travel With An Artistic Purpose to Barbados – Sept. 23, 2017

September 28, 2017
Barbados and Artist Sheena Rose – Travel for a purpose

Barbados and Sheena Rose the perfect reason to visit Barbados.  There are so many reasons to visit a destination as beautiful as Barbados and the beach, delicious food and gorgeous scenery.  But, have you thought of traveling with a purpose?  We suggest traveling to experience the very vibrant art scene and leading the way is contemporary artist Sheena Rose. Did you miss our chat with her directly from Barbados?  Her art and creative way of expressing herself through art is creative and spectacular in messages her work expresses.  She is a artist to watch and follow, because her star is rising fast. And, MoCADA board member Steve Sallion shares the extensive expression of art you can experience when visiting New York City.

Our show was all about how art is one way to explore the people, places, and culture of each destination and along the way, you can meet the artists and those who are enthusiasts about all forms of art and culture.  We also explore the history of the island and how you can explore a wildlife preserve, take a tour in a colorful bus tour.  And, for accommodations stay at the SoCo Hotel right on the beach with the ocean breeze.  And, take a walk on the boardwalk.

Our conversations definitely bring all of this to light.  Take a listen.



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Segment 1 – Barbados overview

Segment 2 – Chat with artist Sheena Rose

Segment 3 – Chat with artist Sheena Rose

Segment 4 – Chat with Steve Sallion – Board Member with MoCADA in Brooklyn, NY


Sheena Rose,  Barbados


Sheena Rose – Contemporary Caribbean Artist from Barbados

Sheena Rose,  Barbados

Steve Sallion, board member of the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA) in Brooklyn, NY


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