Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Winter Vacation Planning – August 13, 2016

January 11, 2017

Some may say, “why are you doing winter vacation planning in the middle of summer?”  Well, it’s never too early to start and prepare for a great getaway for the cold days.  Maybe somewhere warm or embracing the cold, either way, we have tips and suggestions.  And, we give you a few things to think about when it comes to accommodations.


      1. 8-13-16-1-Winter-Vac-Planning
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Segment One – Sapelo Purple Ribbon Sugar Cane – Winter vacation suggestions

      2. 8-13-16-2-Winter-Vac-Planning
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Segment Two – Accommodations –  Time-Shares, Traditional Hotel, B&B

      3. Winter-Vacation-Planning-3-2-11117-4.03-AM
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Segment Three – Vacation Rentals

      4. 8-13-16-4-Winter-Vac-Planning
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Segment Four – My favorite 2016 winter vacation – Quebec, Canada

The post Destination: Winter Vacation Planning – August 13, 2016 appeared first on Travel With Annita.
