Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Nemacolin Woodlands Resort – July 2, 2016

July 27, 2016

There are some places that have a special feel about them.  It’s more than relaxing and a great getaway spot.  The peaceful and calming atmosphere speaks to you in so many ways.

My sister Majorie and I recently visited this jewel of a resort in the Pennsylvania countryside.  Spas,  culinary delights, great activities and luxurious accommodations.  It’s Nemacolin Woodlands Resort.  Here’s our story – all about our time in this magical place.

Nemacolin Woodlands Resort

      1. 7-2-16-1-Nemacolin
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      2. 7-2-16-2-Nemacolin
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      3. Nemacolin-3-2
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      4. 7-2-16-4-Nemacolin
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