Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: Revisiting Sapelo Island February 13, 2016

March 31, 2016

Revisiting Sapelo Island

Sapelo people

Sapelo Island!  Georgia’s jewel barrier island stand pristine and beautiful. With only 45 residents, it captures the essence of times gone by and present times of the Geechee people who call it home.  We speak about Sapelo often on our show – what is it about Sapelo that we love so much. Well, we asked those who know it best to tell their stories.  It’s all here for you to hear and listen to again and again.

      1. 2-13-16-1-Sapelo-Repeat-Buddy-Sullivan
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_301 = [
{ name: "1. 2-13-16-1-Sapelo-Repeat-Buddy-Sullivan", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmF2ZWx3aXRoYW5uaXRhLmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNi8wMi8yLTEzLTE2LTEtU2FwZWxvLVJlcGVhdC1CdWRkeS1TdWxsaXZhbi5tcDM=", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" }

MP3jPLAYERS[303] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_301, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };

Sapelo’s history and culture with Buddy Sullivan

      2. 2-13-16-2-Sapelo-Michelle-Nicole-Johnson
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_302 = [
{ name: "2. 2-13-16-2-Sapelo-Michelle-Nicole-Johnson", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmF2ZWx3aXRoYW5uaXRhLmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNi8wMi8yLTEzLTE2LTItU2FwZWxvLU1pY2hlbGxlLU5pY29sZS1Kb2huc29uLm1wMw==", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" }

MP3jPLAYERS[304] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_302, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };

Gullah-Geechee people and culture with Michelle Nicole Johnson

      3. 2-13-16-3-Cornelia-Bailey
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_303 = [
{ name: "3. 2-13-16-3-Cornelia-Bailey", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmF2ZWx3aXRoYW5uaXRhLmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNi8wMi8yLTEzLTE2LTMtQ29ybmVsaWEtQmFpbGV5Lm1wMw==", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" }

MP3jPLAYERS[305] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_303, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };

Growing up on Sapelo with Cornelia Bailey

      4. 2-13-16-4-Sapelo
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_304 = [
{ name: "4. 2-13-16-4-Sapelo", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmF2ZWx3aXRoYW5uaXRhLmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNi8wMi8yLTEzLTE2LTQtU2FwZWxvLm1wMw==", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" }

MP3jPLAYERS[306] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_304, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };

Sapelo Island with the Comyums (New Comers)

The post Destination: Revisiting Sapelo Island February 13, 2016 appeared first on Travel With Annita.