Travel With Annita and Friends

Travel With Annita and Friends

Destination: U.S. Virgin Islands No Passport Required & Dream Trips – Wow! Not Oh No!

January 19, 2015

Information on how to navigate the various travel warnings and alerts has become key to vacation success.  What do alerts mean for me and my vacation? Should I visit a country with a travel warning? Will I be safe? There are so many questions.

We answered them on the show and if you missed it here are the answers.

And, we switched gears and headed over to the U.S. Virgin Islands – No passport needed. Get all the info you need to plan a once in a lifetime vacation to these beautiful islands.

      1. 011815-1-Oh-Wow-to-Oh-No
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Segment One – Dream vacations – Keeping them Wow and not Oh No!

      2. 011715-2-Oh-Wow-Oh-No
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Segment Two – Dream vacations – Keeping them Wow and not Oh No!

      3. 011715-3-Oh-Wow-Oh-No
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{ name: "3. 011715-3-Oh-Wow-Oh-No", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmF2ZWx3aXRoYW5uaXRhLmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNS8wMS8wMTE3MTUtMy1PaC1Xb3ctT2gtTm8ubXAz", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" }

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Segment Three – U.S. Virgin Islands – No Passport Needed

      4. 011815-4-Oh-Wow-Oh-No
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Segment Four – U.S. Virgin Islands – No Passport Needed




Destination: No Passport Required – US Virgin Islands

North Georgia’s News Talk AM 550 and FM 102.9 WDUN

From 1-2pm est

Less than three hours away is a beautiful group of islands, ready for you to explore, relax and enjoy delicious food. And, the best part is not only their history and warm people, but No Passport is required! Its and easy get away.

The perfect island get-away for couples, girlfriends, guy trips and families; the architecture and historic ruins add to the romance, intrigue and fascination with the calm and peacefulness of the US Virgin Islands. There is something for everyone. Choose your island or pick all three – St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas – remember no passport – you can take off this weekend!

Join us as we share why this is your next go to get away. Go for the beaches and fall in love with the rhythm of the island and all it’s warmth.

Our guest on Saturday will be Tourism Commissioner Beverly Nicholson-Doty.

Also, what do you do – you are booked travel to your dream destinations – and now there is a State Department warning. What’s next. We will address that question and many more – when the love of travel remains strong in these turbulent times.

Listen in on Saturday for all the details of this wonderland of imagination and inspiration. You’ll definitely want to take a trip to the IceHotel.

That’s Saturday from 1-2pm on North Georgia’s Newstalk, WDUN AM550 or FM102.9.

You can listen on-line at this link
Celebrities meet ups - Colin Cowie





Celebrities meet ups – Colin Cowie
Historic St. Thomas





Historic St. Thomas


St. John





St. John

Stand high upon the hills

Stand high on the hills and enjoy the view

Buccaneers Hotel in St. Croix

Buccaneers Hotel in St. Croix

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