Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction

Latest Episodes
The Silmarillion 9: Doom
This week, we continue our discussion of The Silmarillion with the end of Chapter IX and all of Chapter X, including the Doom of the Noldor, a quick recap of three thousand years of the elves back in
The Silmarillion 8: Kin And King
This week, we continue our discussion of The Silmarillion with the end of Chapter VIII and all of Chapter IX, including the the darkening of Valinor, the theft of the Silmarils, and the violence and t
The Silmarillion 7: The Darkening
This week, we continue our discussion of The Silmarillion with the the forging of the Silmarils, domestic discord in the House of Finw, and the secret origins of Tolkien's most terrifying creation.
The Silmarillion 6: Spirit Of Fire
This week, we continue our discussion of The Silmarillion with the logistics of crossing the Great Sea, our introduction to Fanor and the family of Finw, and the subtlety of Melkor.
The Silmarillion Q&A: The Idea Of Fighting
In this bonus episode, we discuss the location of the Far Heaven, the nature of the Ainur, the absence of dwarves and a vision of medieval utopia.
The Silmarillion 5: The Elves, Themselves
This week, we continue our discussion of The Silmarillion with the secret origins of dwarves and ents, the battle against Melkor and the Sundering of the Elves across Middle-Earth.
The Silmarillion 4: Arda Marred
This week, we continue our unit on The Silmarillion and discuss the Days Before Days, time and space (and calendars and maps), and the paradox of free will.
The Silmarillion Pop Quiz: The Valaquenta
In this special bonus episode, test your knowledge of the Valar and the Maiar, the relationships between them, and a few other things besides!
The Silmarillion 3: Acquainted With Grief
This week, we continue our unit on The Silmarillion and discuss the Valaquenta, spheres of authority, intertexting already and The Diagram.
The Silmarillion 2: Void And Flame
This week, we continue our unit on The Silmarillion and discuss the Ainulindal, aesthetics and philosophy, the subcreative process and the Secret Origins of Melkor.