Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction

Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction

The Silmarillion 2: Void And Flame

January 18, 2025

This week, we continue our unit on The Silmarillion and discuss the Ainulindalë, aesthetics and philosophy, the subcreative process and the Secret Origins of Melkor. How do we understand the different perspectives enfolded in this creation myth? Does Tolkien convincingly resolve the paradox of free will? Why don’t the Valar talk about their battles?

To see the video broadcast of this episode, click here; to see the slides, click here!

Next week, we continue with the second part of The Silmarillion, the Valaquenta, live on YouTube on Thursday, January 23rd at 8PM Central.


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Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction is a Next Word production, written and produced by Alastair Stephens.

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