Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction

Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction

Rabbits 2: Manic Pixie Gamgee

January 16, 2024

In this episode, we discuss chapters four to sixteen of Terry Miles’ Rabbits.

This week, we dive into the murky waters of creepypasta, break down the brilliant narrative trick that makes Rabbits work, remember Frodo atop Amon Hen, make a list of everything that is not everything that is not Rabbits, figure out the surprising timeline and K’s age, and celebrate the ancient, arcane magnificence of computers in the 1980s.

Next week, we continue with chapters seventeen to twenty-nine.

Unanswered Questions:

  • Is there a difference between Rabbits and Connections?

  • How is retribution enacted against those players who talk publicly about the game?

  • What happened to Baron Corduroy?


Creepypasta Footnotes:

These links should be approached with caution. Content warnings for shocking and upsetting images and descriptions of violence, including violence against children, depression and suicide.

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Stars and Swords: Footnoting Genre Fiction is a Next Word production, written and produced by Alastair Stephens.

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