Adjuster Talk

Discovering the Top Regions for Independent Adjusters
Welcome to Adjuster Talk with your host, Jason Heenan. In this episode, Jason delves into the world of independent claims, adjusting, and becoming a residential adjuster. He shares valuable insights on the best areas for claims if you're an independent adjuster, offering a deep dive into weather patterns and cities with great opportunities for adjusters. Join us as we explore the exciting world of claims adjusting and learn about the educational alliances available for those interested in getting started in the industry.
"There's just so many different ways to get insurance claims and figure out how to help that situation or add value to that situation." ~Jason Heenan
This Week on Adjuster Talk:
· Importance of Independent Adjusting: Gain insights into the significance of independent insurance adjusting and the evolving landscape of insurance claims.
· Personal Career Reflection: Jason shares personal anecdotes and experiences from his early career, providing a firsthand perspective on the challenges of independent adjusting.
· Evolving Technology: Understand the significant technological advancements in the insurance adjusting industry over the past two decades.
· Hurricane Deployment: Explore the realities of being an independent contractor during a major natural disaster as Jason reflects on his first deployment after Hurricane Katrina.
· Two Decades of Experience: Discover the wealth of experience and knowledge accumulated over 20 years in the industry.
· Professional Growth: Learn from Jason's journey and the lessons learned throughout his career in independent insurance adjusting.
· Industry Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of the highs and lows of the insurance claims industry, including the day-to-day grind and the impact of industry leaders.
· Future of Insurance Adjusting: Delve into the upcoming topics and episodes that will offer a comprehensive view of the world of independent insurance adjusting, catering to newcomers and seasoned adjusters alike.
Contact Jason:
For more information on independent insurance adjusting and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit Royal Adjusting Services or Adjuster Talk for exclusive programs and educational alliances.
Resources Mentioned:
· Adjuster University with Jeremy Reddick
Visit Adjuster Talk to download our exclusive guide, Five Ways to Improve Your Independent Adjusting Career.
This essential resource contains insights and tips to enhance your professional journey.
Remember, a polished presentation at a claim isn't just about knowledge; it's also about gear and attire.
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Adjuster Talk with Jason Heenan
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Royal Adjusting Services handles the full spectrum of claims and catastrophes, specializing in residential property claims with a mission to provide a better, faster, and more cost-effective claims experience, and is proud to bring you the Adjuster Talk podcast.
So, whether you're an independent adjuster looking to join a leading team or an insurance agency seeking unparalleled service, Adjuster Talk is your window into professional claims adjusting.