Online People Talking with Jen Barkan

Online People Talking with Jen Barkan

#15 - The Q1 2024 Benchmarks with Amanda Martin

May 14, 2024

Welcome to Online People Talking with Jen Barkan! In this episode, Jen is joined by Jessie Suggs and our very own, Amanda Martin! The Q1 2024 Benchmarks have just dropped and the team dives into the numbers and gives their thoughts on the results! There's been a shift in the lead volume so the three give tips on how to manage the lack of leads and advise OSC's to be careful not to use the "S" word. They suggest that "When leads go low, it's your time to grow!" and ask yourself if you've done everything you can with your current leads. 

Word On The Street: Everyone's been quiet! (04:03)

  • The bad 4 letter "S" word: Slow
  • "When leads go low, it's your time to grow!"
  • Calm down, hit the phones.
  • Are you doing everything you can with the current leads you have?
  • Pro-active communication with sales and marketing.

Topic Of Today: The Q1 Benchmarks! (12:38)

  • Everything is normal and steady.
  • The numbers are looking great!
  • Early Spring selling season this year.
  • Things are stay pretty consistent.

Skills Check! (30:38)

  • Challenge: Look at your follow-up process and figure out how to add your personalization. 
  • Tell your leads where to go, where to look!
  • Nurturing a VIP list.
  • Add a video into the very first email outreach.
  • Put your picture in your email signature.